1.Do your homework.
Work out what its going to cost to replace your house and contents. There are great online tools for doing this. For your home, try this link - Cordell calculator 2.Avoid buying on price alone. The cheapest isn’t always the best. Of course, to keep the premium down you may be able to select a higher excess and get a lower premium. That doesn’t affect the quality of the cover, it just means you pay a higher first amount of each claim. It might be better to think “I don’t need to claim for every little thing, I’ve got enough money set aside for that. So I’ll keep the premium down with a higher excess and know the cover is there for the majors. Like the house burning down!!) 3.Get a couple of quotes. This means you can compare prices (It’s easy to go online and do that). 4.Make sure you understand the cover. Make sure you know what is covered and what isn’t. I trust those few points are of use.
AuthorBob Sinclair is the owner and director of Sinclair Solutions Archives
June 2023
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