This is my grandfather Alexander James Sinclair (the one in the black suit).
He established the "Te Awamutu Co-Operative Dairy Company" in the 1920s.
He established the "Te Awamutu Co-Operative Dairy Company" in the 1920s.
SINCLAIR SOLUTIONS LTD Financial Advice Provider.
License number 708231 Trading as Sinclair Solutions and Insurance Solutions Bob Sinclair our Financial Adviser provides financial advice in relation to Life, Trauma, Income Protection, Total Disability and Health Insurance. For new insurances, Bob only provides financial advice about products from certain providers: • Life insurance - we have agreements with five providers – Asteron, AIA, Cigna, Fidelity Life and Partners Life • Health insurance - we have agreements with three providers – AIA, NIB, Accuro and Partners Life In providing you with financial advice, we will only consider existing Term Life, Trauma, Income Protection, Total and Permanent Disability, and Health Insurance Policies. For existing Whole Life, Endowment, and Investment Linked Policies we will only provide the current premium, life cover and surrender value. For advice on these products you will need to consult a specialist. For new Home Insurance, Contents Insurance and Vehicle Insurance, we will usually refer you to a General Insurer such as : AA, AMI, State or Tower. We do not hold agreements with any provider for this type of insurance. Business Public Liability Insurance and insurance on business plant and equipment, is a specialist area. We will usually refer you to Rothbury Brokers for advice and the placement of cover. We hold an agreement with Rothbury Brokers. • KiwiSaver - we have an agreement with one provider - Generate. Bob can help you understand the risks and rewards of KiwiSaver and the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme. He can also show you how to use a risk profile tool, become a member or how to transfer between KiwiSaver schemes. Bob will not provide recommendations or opinions on financial products issued by other providers. Additional support: Ann-Marie Sinclair provides support for clients in a liaison role between our Financial Adviser, Bob Sinclair, and our clients. She will not give you Financial Advice but may meet with you to give you written Financial Advice that has been prepared by Bob Sinclair. Administration and Social Media: Every efficient office runs on excellent administration processes, Gina Sinclair provides this administration support. Activities such as typing of reports prepared by our Financial Adviser, day to day client service and client policy changes etc. She also manages all social media for Sinclair Solutions. FEES OR EXPENSES We are finding an increasing number of prospective clients simply want a greater understanding of their current insurances. If this is the case we charge an hourly fee of $120 plus GST for the work carried out (if preferred, we can also provide a maximum charge amount). The account is due on the 20th of the following month. If after discussion with Bob and assessment of their circumstances the client decides to implement additional cover with us, this fee is waived. PROMISE TO OUR CLIENTS “We will provide you recommendations and advice with a clear rationale for that advice based on your personal circumstances, goals, aspirations needs and provide to you the client the benefits and risks of that advice”. “We will work with you – our client – to identify any need, vulnerability or support you require to ensure you feel safe, valued and respected”. “We always give priority to your interests”. “We will only ever recommend a change of product or provider if it is clearly in your interest”. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AND INCENTIVES Bob receives commissions from the relevant insurance company if you take out insurance with that company, following his advice. The initial commission is between 140% and 240% of the first year’s premium, to establish your insurances. The amount depends on which insurance company and which insurance policy you choose. Bob also receives a commission of between 5% and 20% of the premium for each year the policy remains in force, to service your insurance. It is important that an insurance program is reviewed regularly to ensure it is still relevant to your circumstances. The amount of commission Bob receives from Rothbury brokers is 25% of the annual company premium (each year the policy remains in force), not including Government levies. From Generate KiwiSaver, Bob receives a maximum initial commission of $300 and .25% of the account balance each year. Bob may refer you to other service providers, including Generate Managed Funds. Bob will receive an ongoing payment of an amount equal to 0.125% of your account balance for referring you to Generate, in the event that you open an account. This fee is paid to Bob by Generate. The Generate adviser will provide general information or comprehensive advice on the Generate Managed Funds. From time to time, product providers may also reward Bob for the overall business we provide to them. They may give him tickets to sports events, hampers, or other incentives. To ensure that Bob prioritises your interests above his own, he follows an advice process that ensures his recommendations are made on the basis of your individual goals and circumstances. He will usually use an industry recognised independent research house (Quality Product Research) when giving advice around suitable insurance products for you. He will complete a register of conflicts of interests, and the gifts and incentives he receives. DUTIES INFORMATION Sinclair Solutions, and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf, have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice. We are required to: • Give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to make sure our advice isn’t materially influenced by our own interests • Exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing you with advice • Meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure that we have the expertise needed to provide you with advice) • Meet standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure we treat you as we should and give you suitable advice). This is only a summary of the duties that we have. More information is available by contacting us, or by visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at CONTACT DETAILS Sinclair Solutions Ltd (FSP708231) Trading as Sinclair Solutions and Insurance Solutions is the Financial Advice Provider You can contact us at: Phone: (07) 870 5385 Email: [email protected] Website: Address: 515A Puniu Road, Te Awamutu, 3800 |